Jazz Fusion MIDI Generator

This example uses Tone.js to create a simple jazz fusion-inspired melody and generates a MIDI file when you click the "Generate MIDI" button. You can expand and customize the melody and musical elements as desired. Please note that this is a very basic example, and creating complex jazz fusion MIDI music would require a more sophisticated composition algorithm and additional music theory knowledge. Additionally, you may need to use a server-side solution to convert the MIDI data into a downloadable file if you want to save the generated music. User create html code that generates a progression of four extremely jazz fusion extended minimum 6 note chords ChatGPT Creating a jazz fusion chord progression with extended chords can be complex, as it often involves specific music theory and harmonic knowledge. Here's a simple HTML example that generates a progression of four extended chords, each with a minimum of 6 notes using Tone.js: html Copy code Jazz Fusion Chord Progression

Jazz Fusion Chord Progression